Store Policies

Feedback / Questions

Who do I contact with questions?

For questions regarding your order or shipping, please reply to your confirmation email or email [email protected]. You can expect a response within the same or next business day.

How often will you release new swag items?

We will continuously review inventory to help inform future launches.


Can you ship to international destinations?

Yes, we ship internationally to 220 countries and territories globally.

How long will my item(s) take to arrive?

All orders ship within 4 days. U.S. orders should arrive within 5-7 days and international orders should arrive within 14 days.


What happens if an item is sold out?

We will evaluate inventory on a consistent basis and may discontinue or restock based on sales. Please note that we reserve the right to discontinue any item for any reason.


I’m unsure of my size. How do I know which size to order?

All products listed in the store have a sizing chart attached. Please use this to determine your appropriate size.

Returns & Exchanges

Can I return my items?

While we do not issue refunds for returned items, we do accept size exchanges for apparel items.

Can I exchange an item for a different item or size?

Yes, you can exchange unworn apparel items for a different size. To begin an exchange, please email [email protected] with your order confirmation number, preferred size and shipping address.